Friday, October 17, 2008


Reprinted from
Sketchbook, A Journal for Eastern & Western Short Forms
Vo. 3, No. 10, October 2008

For too long
I have dwelt in darkness
blinded by false promises
of a world gone mad,
consumed by the egomaniacal
instant gratification creed
and narcissistic idolatry
of the throw-away generation
peopling today's society

Where booze, drugs, sex
and getting high are
the main preoccupations
of mostly young purposeless lives
consigned to the quagmire
of hopelessness, despair
and unacknowledged guilt
with like-minded friends.

Then I see a light
flickering at first, till gradually
its blinding radiance consumes
all darkness and its minions;
and I feel so naked
afraid and ashamed
to show my face
with its telltale mask
of indifference and hate.

A gentle, soothing voice
then lifts and gathers me
in a warm embrace.

"Child of darkness
open your eyes,
come see the light
and confront your demons.
Resurrect the inherent goodness
they took away from you.
Take refuge in the security and love
of the family you have long forgotten.

Above all, come to me and
I will give you comfort and peace."

1 comment:

kouji said...

soothing, hopeful lines.